Your 12 Influencers3 min read

The 12 months are not the influencers that I will highlight in this blog’s title. The word “month” is a cognate of the word moon “moonth.”
The 12 zodiac signs, starting with the first sign, Aries and ending with the last sign of Pisces, give off their unique characteristics to us; influence us. The Moon takes one month to circle the zodiac, and the Moon represents our emotions. How? She spends 2½ days in each sign, in order of the zodiac, reflecting its light upon us through the zodiac sign’s traits.

Each time we have a New Moon (monthly) it is situated in a zodiac sign, and that is when we start intentions and actions regarding the traits of the zodiac sign, similar to planting particular seeds in the earth.
When we have a Full Moon (monthly) our emotions are full, as big as they’re going to get, similar to the Moon being as big as it will get. It is the culmination of the actions seeded at the New Moon before it. Yes, the emotional influence pay-off, will be from the traits of the zodiac sign in which it is located.
Every 2½ days it is exceedingly helpful to know which influencing zodiac sign of the 12 influencers, the Moon is moving through, because its tendencies will influence our emotions for those 2½ days. E-motion is ”e”nergy in “motion.”
For instance, part of May 28, and all of May 29 and May 30 the Moon is reflecting firey Aries. Notice its traits. You may feel energized, speedy, focus on your hair, eyes; anything having to do with your head. Careful of headaches. You could be headstrong, have a tempermental flare up, drive faster, impulsively start a new project, etc. It can also be primal self expression and the joy of being, courage and leadership, competition; being the first and the best.
Take note of those days and see for yourself. Self is a key to Aries. I am that I am. You are what you think you are. Thinking takes place in the head/brain, so choose your thoughts wisely. You are the ultimate influencer of your free will.
If you’d like spiritual assistance in looking at your situations, I’m always here for you.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
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Be Bliss
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Rachel Star of Sedona

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