Happy Real New Year4 min read

What else happens every year when the spring equinox occurs? The equinox happens the moment when the sun enters the Aries section of the natural zodiac. We call it spring, but what it really is, is the New Year. Makes sense right?… new blooms, new starts. Aries gives us the traits of beginnings, starting over, courage, leadership, the self; me, myself and I, independence, and more.

This year the equinox occurred the evening of April 5, 10:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, and all of the planetary energies that were expressing their particular energies at the same time of the sun entering Aries, will last until next year’s spring equinox.

Whenever we have new astrological beginnings, such as new moons and more, it is helpful to be aware, so we can plant the new beginnings with our potent positive desires and intentions. Think of non-awareness as having good soil, but planting nothing.

We had a full Moon just days ago, Friday, April 19, in the early morning; 7:12 a.m. Eastern. It was the second full moon in Libra, (a rarity). A month ago we also had a Libra full Moon, at 0 degrees Libra. This one occurred at the last degree of Libra. Libra is the opposite of Aries. Libra is about relationships, not just about Aries me, but who and how I am with others. And full Moons put full light and full emotion on the subject.

Considering we had 2 in Libra this year, you’d be right to think God, the universal power of ‘as above, so below’ wishes us to get real about our relations with those significant in our lives.


Are you in a relationship that you keep going, out of habit and desire? Once in a while I watch ‘Catfish’ on TV. Recently, when Max and Nev found out that the male they were investigating had a photo of himself with Nev, and was falsely telling several potential girlfriends on Facebook (of which their inquiring client was only one) that he was Nev’s personal trainer, Max bluntly pointed out to the gal seeking their help, that the fellow is a basic liar, and he suggested ending that relationship. If you think your relationship is worth saving, couples counseling Sacramento may be able to help.

Let’s begin our New Year with clarity and honesty…to ourselves about our relationships. Does the “bad” outweigh the “good”? Remember something in your energy drew them into your world, so in a ‘bad’ one, find the good, the self-growth, and the lesson. Always honor yourself, even in our own mistakes.

Perhaps a significant one has music and other hobbies in common with you, makes you laugh, is great looking, and likes to have a good time. But you notice that they complain a lot, are loud and angry often, sleep late, have lied, just get by in life, don’t make enough money to take care of their own needs, or other traits which land on you and consistently reduce your normal peace and joy…too often. Do you stay around because you think you can still help heal the person, though they don’t help themselves and its effects have been affecting you poorly?

Aries reminds us of our individuality, our independence, being self-fulfilled, to create a new persona, and a new beginning; asks us if we need new personality traits to become better, or a new look in clothes or hair. Libra asks us how do we ‘act’ as a partner, and if our relationship is harmonious for our soul. How is your relationship to yourself?

Full Moons get as big as possible, immediately showing and giving what we have planted at the new Moon 2 weeks prior, then like an untied balloon, over its next 2 weeks, as the air is let out into the air around us, its fullness becomes less and less, energy gets smaller, and so it’s time to let go in some sense. Though Aries can act without consideration first, Libra likes us to take time to weigh both sides before making a decision.

If you’d like spiritual assistance in looking at your situations, I’m always here for you.

Love from Rachel Star of Sedona

Schedule an enriching, positive, empowering, accurate Reading with Rachel Star of Sedona, by Telephone, to enjoy from the comfort and convenience of your own home. Each insight-packed Reading delivers personal details, insight about others, and dates, all rendering peace of mind via sacred, holy, loving Tarot, Astrology, Past Life influences, and a 100%-accurate, destiny system, together guiding your free will choices within the scope of your path, to offer the most beneficial shaping of your destiny…evoking clarity and soothing emotional calm. Click to www.rachelstarofsedona.com, then the ‘Request a Reading’ page, call or text, 850-566-6698, or email rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com LIKE her Face book page, Rachel Star of Sedona. Be a friend on Facebook at Rachel Spirit.

Rachel Star of Sedona

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