Sedona election gets ugly before it really warms up3 min read

The Sedona election has already turned ugly.

In a “he said/no, he said,” controversy during the recently held forum at the Keep Sedona Beautiful encampment, both

candidates for mayor presented different stories on how a possible open meetings law violation caused one of the

candidates not to attend the forum.

Apparently, City Councilman Jerry Frey was told it would be a violation if he, current Mayor Rob Adams and two current City Council members attended the same forum this past Thursday night.

This is a fact. It is an open meetings violation if four or more council members attend any function together.


What makes this truly interesting is that former KSB President Barbara Litrell filed a violation notice with the state’s attorney general, claiming that four council members had dinner together this past year when decisions were made regarding the lights on State Route 89A in West Sedona.

Ironically, it’s those very lights and the lack of light or the so-called Vegas night lights that have made this an election that looks like it could be the dirtiest of all time here in Sedona. has been created to supposedly give the “facts” regarding all candidates running for council and mayor.

However, they are all members of a group fighting the possibility of lights on State Route 89A.

There is also a political action committee being promoted by Adams’ wife to make sure Adams gets the right people in office to support his agenda.

However, they did not interview all the candidates running.

Funny, I thought the mayor’s agenda should represent all Sedonans.

Oh, that’s right, a so-called “majority” of Sedona residents oppose the lights and support the proposed National Scenic Area legislation. Again, who says so?

They do. Who are “they,” you ask?

Apparently these are people who think they have answers to all the issues facing Sedona.

Why can’t they just let the residents of Sedona make informed, intelligent decisions based on facts rather than all this

propaganda being thrown around out there?

Why is it that the “side out of power” always complains when they don’t get their way, even if they are in the minority.

Why is it that the president of KSB basically handed an open microphone to the current mayor of Sedona and encouraged him to promote himself? This just doesn’t seem fair to me.

Who is Steve DeVol, current KSB president, and what has he done for Sedona, other than spout off about the proposed NSA legislation?

When are we going to learn that everyone has different

viewpoints and opinions on a variety of issues and that each of us has the responsibility to keep the facts straight? We should tell the truth when we speak and keep these biased, uninformed opinions out of city politics.

I encourage everyone to listen to all the campaign messages out there. Please make your own good, informed decision on the type of people we want to represent us and don’t buy into the nonsense that many naysayers are trying to cram down our throats.


Larson Newspapers

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