Enjoy Sedona’s Fall Colors1 min read

Need two great reasons to get out and enjoy the beautiful fall scenery of Sedona? There should be plenty of color to see at the following events.

The Sedona Gallery Association presents it’s Annual Red Rock Canvas Event this weekend November 6th, 7th and 8th . Their will be Receptions, Demonstrations, Artist Dialogues and a Silent Auction throughout the weekend. The Silent Auction begins on Friday at 3:00PM and closes on Sunday at 3:00PM. For more information on the event and to view participating galleries please visit www.redrockcanvas.com .


Also going on is the opening of Canyon Moon Theatre’s latest exhibit, featuring the works of local artists Jim Peterson and Jerry Buley (PhD). The exhibit can be seen through Nov. 22 in the lobby gallery of Canyon Moon Theatre (Village of Oak Creek, in the Oak Creek Outlet Mall). It is open Monday- Thursday from 10AM to 3PM. Sales from this exhibit will benefit the theatre, which is a non-profit arts organization. The exhibit includes a broad sampling of vibrant, richly detailed works of the two photographers, and although the two artists share a common medium and sometimes choose similar subjects, their artistic vision and their respective approaches to their work are highly individual. Both artists have an experimentalist leaning and are willing to push the limits of their medium, creating works unlike any that have come before. With the two artists exhibiting jointly for the first time, the room is a burst of color, design, and artistic diversity. For more information go to www.canyonmoontheatre.org .

Have a great weekend and enjoy the Scenery!

Larson Newspapers

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