Flooding at Tlaquepaque1 min read


Parking lots at Tlaquepaque flooded Thursday, Sept. 10, as a late monsoon rain swept through West Sedona around 2:30 p.m.

Tourists at the Oak Creek Brewery watched from a balcony as high water lifted cars, carrying them around the parking lot, slamming them into each other and pushing Dumpsters and at least one vehicle into the brewery walls.

Two Arizona sisters jumped onto a table and a ledge and hung onto trees when fast moving water rose around them. A Pennsylvania vacationer grabbed a tree from her car window and hung on as her car started floating away.

Sedona Fire District and Sedona Police Department were on scene all afternoon and Jeep tour companies were dispatched to help transport tourists whose rental cars were pushed away during the flood.

The water subsided substantially shortly after causing the chaos as crews battled the mud and a broken gas pipe near the brewery.

Photo courtesy Steve Brown

Larson Newspapers

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